Adjust your bookmark, because the blog is moving in order to become a feature on The Daily Cartoonist, a site newly re-energized with the addition of DD Degg, whom some of you will know from rec.arts.comics.strips.
I hope you'll stick with the shift. I'm going to continue to blog daily and the only major change should be more exposure and more readers.
Meanwhile, in the interests of transparency, it will, unless it goes delightfully viral, replace and slightly surpass my Amazon link income, but I still have a couple of dozen coffee mugs, so please don't be shy. (Details above)
And I'll see you over there, every morning by 9 Eastern.
Looking forward to another 3K+ days @ the new site. Congrats, Mike. (And just when your links started working for me again.)
Posted by: Bob | 07/23/2018 at 12:06 PM
So where do we look for you? I've bounced around the site there for 10-15 minutes, but don't see anything... will you just be a post (everyday) in the comic strips feed section?
Posted by: David | 07/23/2018 at 09:31 PM
I found you on the new site first try and I hope you will be as easy to find tomorrow. I will persevere if you are a little harder to find than a link on m bookmarks bar. I like what you say and how you say it. I hope you like your new home.
Posted by: Bill Williamson | 07/23/2018 at 09:57 PM
Re-doing settings as soon as I finish typing. Wouldn't want to miss out on CSotD!
Posted by: Kelli | 07/23/2018 at 11:06 PM
Is there a way for the new place to feed rss?
Posted by: Abbot of Unreason | 07/24/2018 at 01:14 AM
Headline will always start CSotD and I'll ask about RSS feed, but you'd have to take the whole site's feed and not just mine.
The whole site is quite interesting, mind you, and worth scrolling through to see what's new.
Posted by: Mike Peterson | 07/24/2018 at 04:12 AM
Wonderful! Best for you is probably not having to mess with the website maintenance stuff anymore. I look forward to reading you every morning over yonder.
They should have a CSOTD header at top, or at least in the pull-down "See All Topics" menu. Talk to DD or John Glynn about that.....
Enjoy your regular and surely immense income stream!
Posted by: Brian Fies | 07/24/2018 at 06:29 PM
This is what happens when I step away from the computer briefly. Everybody changes their URL. See you on the other side.
Posted by: Kip W | 08/09/2018 at 06:36 PM