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Dave from Phila

I don't have the yuppy lifetyle that you described, but I must confess I have not yet gotten involved in this year's election because of a sense of hopelessness. If a billionaire can sit down and write a $10 million dollar check to a SuperPac, what chance do I have to make a difference? Your blog is slowly, but surely, guilting me into getting involved.


'the solution -- such as it is -- seems to be shaming moderate Republicans'

I wish I were more confident that moderate Republicans exist. I would be hard pressed to identify any. They all watch Fox.

Also, I don't think they have any shame. Romney is a perfect example -- he may 'be' moderate, but he's not allowed to expresse it if he is. And Romney's sense of shame? yeah, right.

I'd like to see the press develop a sense of shame and ask Romney a follow up, or the same question rephrased when Romney responds with gibberish.

I absolutely agree with the column, however, and sorry for the length of the rant.


Forgot to include an example of a good follow-up: Chris Wallace, of all people, forcing Mitch McConnell to admit that Republicans have no alternative to the ACA.

Mike Peterson

Funny to see Chris Wallace and David Frum both turning into the voices of reason. Up to now, I thought they were simply there to be proof that genetics is not an exact science. (You have to have lived within range of Canadian television to appreciate the horror David Frum represented, until the rest of the world became even more outrageously cruel and heartless. Moreso than Wallace, if you knew the parent.)


How about the Saul Alinsky approach: laugh at your opponents. If, during the Rush Limbaugh/birth control brouhaha, some prominent woman had said "what an appalling, vulgar, little man he is" ("little" referring to his soul), that might have changed the tone of the debate. Well, probably not, but it would have been fun to watch.

Sherwood Harrington

Another 4-bagger, Mike. Don't ever let nobody turn you 'round. (Not that I think that would even be possible.)

Mary in Ohio

When I began working at my current part time job in 2005, there was a couple who shopped there regularly, probably in their late 60's. They drove a Hummer, with a vanity plate :(Initials)-1. When the gas crisis hit, they switched to a Hummer Hybrid. Then, 2 or 3 years ago, they went to a Cadillac Escalade. Now their Escalade is sporting an eye-catching red, white and blue bumper sticker: "I'd rather have a Mormon for a president than a moron."

Now, I was no fan of George W. Bush, but even I seriously didn't think he was a moron. (I began teaching when the actual terms had IQ level definitions for the purposes of "special education" for one thing.) So I find it difficult to believe the main criticism of Obama is that he's "a moron." I think they just couldn't find a bumper sticker that said "n****r" on it.

On a related note, this fine elderly couple was in the store this morning buying - wait for it! - WATERMELONS! I bet the fiel' han's was havin a picnic at the Massa's!

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