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Terry LaBan

Personally, even at age 11, I would've regarded anyone who picked a superhero comic over Donald Duck to be an idiot. My summer camp reading material consisted largely of Richie Rich and Archie--Classics Illustrated I rarely encountered outside the barbershop, which for some reason always had a stack of them.

Mike Peterson

Archie did okay at camp, but the Harveys and Disneys were things we read and enjoyed but I think kind of kept quiet about -- we'd read a Marvel or DC more than once, but not those.

The Harvey and Disney comics came from the parents who did things like walking into the cabin during rest hour on Parents Weekend and exclaiming (as Nick Brown's mother did) "Oh, Weasel! I've missed you!"

And we all silently exchanged glances, knowing that, as soon as Mother was gone, "Weasel" was dead meat. It's almost right out of the book -- "I don't care what they call me, as long as they don't call me 'Piggy.'"

By the same token, even if you enjoyed the kiddie comics, you talked about Superman and Batman. Preferably with whatever profanity you could drop into the conversation.

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What's so funny?

  • I read some 175 or more comics a day. Each day, I post a strip or two here that made me laugh, made me think or impressed me with its artistry. It's my hope that you'll see some new strips here and decide to follow that artist's work, and perhaps even to support that work by purchasing a collection of strips. But, mostly, I hope you'll find this a place to get a laugh or share a thought each day. After all, comic strips are a very demanding art form, but the ultimate point of all that work and all those deadlines is to give readers a little pleasure each day. If you find a comic hard to read, clicking on it will open a slightly larger version. (You may find that right-clicking and opening in a new tab produces a better result.) All comics here are copyrighted by their creators. -- Mike Peterson

The Prime Directive

  • The Prime Directive is that we don't single out comics for snark and abuse. This may change once I've won a couple of Pulitzers and a Reuben or two.


  • Want a daily reminder and link? My Twitter handle is @ComicStripOTD and I promise that you will never hear about what I had for lunch or the cute thing the dog said.

Independent publishers

  • Independent comic collections
    Not all cartoonists market their collections through Amazon. Here's where cartoonists can list their independently published, and marketed, collections and where fans can find, and buy, them.

Blog Roll

  • Comics Worth Reading
    Independent Opinions by Johanna Draper Carlson and friends News and reviews of graphic novels, manga, comic books, and related subjects
  • Comic Riffs
    Michael Cavna's Washington Post column on comics and related media news.
  • Mike Lynch Cartoons
    Cartoonist Mike Lynch's blog: Fascinating archival stuff he's found and scanned, tips on how cartooning really works and progress reports on his garden (in season).
  • The Comics Reporter
    Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary
  • Cartoon Movement
    An international site with sociopolitical cartoons from around the world, curated by Dutch cartoonist Tjeerd Royaards. A real mix of impressionistic panels and short-form graphic journalism.
  • Africartoons
    Cartoons from across Africa, which has an extremely lively cartooning culture. Most of the material requires you to be on top of African current events and political personalities, but even when you're not sure of the specifics, there's some creative stuff to envy in the lively nature of the art form as practiced there.


  • GoComics.com
    Universal Press Syndicate's page. You can click on each strip and read for free, but for $11.88 a year, you can create your own page of strips and also avoid pop-ups. It's worth it.

Comics Kingdom

  • Comics Kingdom
    King Features' site, with free comics if you don't mind a truncated service, or a very good paid site for $20 a year. Some of the benefits, including Vintage strips, require that paid subscription. It's worth it.