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Dave from Philadelphia

As usual, your commentary is so on point. It is painful to read.

I have lost faith in our country's ability to govern itself with any semblance of rationality. I understand that all political systems have varying levels of bluster and strident advocacy. It is part of the pushing and shoving leading up to serious negotiations. But at some point in time, people need to roll up their sleeves and figure out solutions. Can’t/Won’t happen with the current political environment.

As soon as someone compromises, the 24/7 media immediately decide who won and who lost and the extremes fill the airways with vitriol about how the end of the humankind as we know it is upon us. Yesterday on NPR, of all places, I heard a critic of the repeal of DADT simply repeat twice, “We now have Obama’s San Francisco military.” ??? Where can you even start to have a rational conversation?

Love the reference to a "truth-free zone." All I can do anymore is laugh at the absurdity of it all.


As Molly Ivins used to say, you can either laugh, cry, or throw up, and the latter two are bad for you. (Paraphrased, since my memory isn't perfect.)

I wish we still had Molly Ivins around. And I wish we had grownups running the country.


So reductio ad absurdum....we should let the government spend an unlimited amount of money and create a job for everyone?

I already know you don't believe that.

There are a couple of large points that you missed.

1. Keynes would be embarrassed at the things that are justified in his name. Even he allowed that government could only stimulate the economy when it was in a position to either draw down accumulated government savings, or when it had a plan to stop the stimulus and repay the borrowed funds. Which leads to...

2. We have a deficit problem that is caused by government overspending. We were in trouble without the stimulus. And have been for decades.

3. Tax and regulatory policy are at least as important as 'stimulus' when it comes to growing the economy. Mr. Obama and the rest of the Democratic leadership have taken a position of lambasting "the rich" and promising punitive taxes. They have pressed new and existing regulations that punish normal business activities. And they created a new, massive government healthcare program that properly connected businesses are able to opt out of.

Did the stimulus do some good? Yes.

Was it all wasted? No.

Some of it...i.e. Solyndra (sp?)...certainly was wasted. I would venture a guess that the money that went to building/rebuilding roads and highways largely was not.

The bottom line is that government does not create wealth. It consumes wealth. Wealth is created in the private sector. And with wealth comes jobs.

Continued deficit spending along with threats of higher taxes and new regulations are what is undermining our current economy. Stop those and things will turn around in short order.


Jym Dyer

=v= I see great inefficiencies in that video. Three backing singers where a tape loop would do (it could be recorded overseas), and it doesn't help that they sit down in the middle of the job. That's the Magnited States of America, U.S.A. approach to getting a job, after all!

Mike Peterson

"The bottom line is that government does not create wealth"

Agreed. But it can create jobs that create wealth that, in turn, create jobs. If a community has good transportation, it's not just good for moving things to market but it's good for attracting companies to locate there in general.

And one reason is that people will come work for the company if they like the community, so good roads and other infrastructure improvements are part of "creating wealth."

And one job that can be created is to help doo-wop groups work out better choreography, dammit.

solar panels

"The bottom line is that government does not create wealth" - How about public companies? Aren't they designed to create wealth?

double glazing

The idea of government not being able to create jobs is absurd. As far as I know, constructing roads, being in the military, being policemen, are jobs. They're just trying to have an out if they fail.

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