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David Spitko

I am absolutely enjoying this week's walk through history. Again, thank you.


Your analysis of the success of these cartoons demonstrates the basis for your success at teaching kids about political cartooning. I'm so glad you do that. We adults need it, too.

Mary in Ohio

Thank you for bringing these back to us!


my favorite mauldin cartoon.

Bill Farr

I'd like to gently disagree with your repeated commenting on the image of the Statue of Liberty weeping as mundane and pointless. Most of us didn't see thirty different versions. We saw one -- in our local paper. Maybe two, if we subscribed to another paper, or if our paper did a round-up of other cartoons. In the shock of what happened, it was a very moving capsule of what we just experienced, and I can't help but think that your distaste for the image has either a) occurred after the fact, with time and distance and seeing multiple versions making it mundane for you; or b) due to you viewing everything as a professional, not as an actual reader. If you opened the papers on September 12, 2001, saw that image, and thought, "Oh, how trite," well, that's jaded professionalism. The artists working on deadline produced something that worked for their readers, powerfully. Easy to look back and say "Now, THIS image is something special and better than the others"... but that's not how political cartoons are experienced. In the moment, as news and commentary on news, after a tragedy -- the weeping Statue was perfect.

Mike Peterson

I take your point that the average newspaper reader only saw one, Bill, and also that a lot of people found it touching and appropriate.

Still, cartoonists are paid to be imaginative, and, if 30 people come up with the same idea, that idea wasn't much of an innovation and you have to question whether they put much into it.

Weeper cartoons are a cliche. When Jim Henson died, there were cartoons of weeping Muppets, for example. After the earthquake in Japan, I found a classic watercolor of a Japanese woman, added a tear and posted it on Facebook as a joke, but it got more laughs from my friends after several cartoonists did the same thing at their actal jobs -- and I assume cashed their paychecks without blushing.

What makes the Mauldin Lincoln stand out was his perfect choice of subject, as noted. But generally speaking, weepers may be popular but they're poor art. And you'll see more cartoons here that are obscure but well done than you will cartoons that are popular but predictable.

(But I would also note that this response underlines your observation that I respond from a professional rather than a populist viewpoint.)


What sets him apart, then, is that Mauldin wasn't maudlin.

(Admission: I had to google the etymology of maudlin to make sure this crack was appropriate. Boy, is it ever.)

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