I have, in the back of my mind, a small list of strips which I need to be aware of not featuring too often. In part, it's because part of what I like to do is to introduce new strips to readers, and in part it's because I don't want the blog to become too centered on things I like best, at the expense of other good things.
And in part it's because, hey, if you like it, too, you should start following it on its home site, not just sit back and wait for it to make another appearance here.
And I can see I'm going to have to add Bug to that list.
Oprah frequently holds an episode of her favorite things. I think I speak for all of us when I say I would love the chance to check out CSotD one day and hear "YOU get a comic strip! And YOU get a comic strip! And YOU get a comic strip!!!"
Posted by: Uncle Jed | 02/24/2011 at 08:18 PM